Report: CSOs and NSAs Consultative Forum on the UN HLPF, HLMs and other Multilateral Gatherings (Sept/02/2024)



Meeting summary for Invitation: CSOs and NSAs Consultative Forum on the UN HLPF, HLMs and other Multilateral Gatherings (Sept/02/2024)


  1. Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje, Nigeria; CEO, AHOA
  2. Johnson Ziem Kuubekyire, Ghana; Resource link foundation Ghana 
  3. Serey Sam, Denmark; President, Khmer National Liberation front (ECOSOC) 
  4. Bill Jeffery, Canada; Centre for Health Science and Law, Canada
  5. Magdalyne Dura, Nigeria; Gender Advocacy for Justice Initiative (GAJI)
  6. Modupe Adelanwa, Nigeria; Executive Director, Shieldthem Support Organization 
  7. Hon (Mrs) Aniedi Inyang-JP, Nigeria; Enemas Foundation 
  8. Alberta Kwofie, Ghana; Genda In Focus 
  9. Brajesh Sinha, India; Chairman & Founder, Agrani Bharat Abhiyan Foundation trust 
  10. Mr Watara Yahaya, Ghana; ED, Network of Young Key Populations 
  11. Rachel Ambalu, Kenya; Sphere Research and Development International
  12. Unice Goshomi, Zimbabwe; Women’s University in Africa, Research Programs Leader
  13. Charlotte Kalanbani, Togo; Initiatives Tchewai Togo,
  14. Carlos Wallhead; Socialist International
  15. Joanita Kiwanuka Nakiwala, Uganda; Voice Life Health Organization 
  16. Ailin Katherine Palmera Amaya, USA/Colombia; Season of Creation
  17. Treasures Uchegbu, Nigeria
  18. Ivy Gavumende, Zimbabwe; Building Bridges Zimbabwe Trust 
  19. Hashim Yussif, Ghana; Progressive Democrats Association Ghana
  20. Ekaette Anwana, Esq., Nigeria; Advocates of Peace, Nature and Gender Justice (APNAG)
  21. samuel nixon, jr., United States of America;
  22. Balkhisa bashir, Kenya; Barwaqa relief organization 
  23. Brajesh Sinha, India; Agrani Bharat Abhiyan Foundation trust 
  24. Yves Rugondera, Burundi; Association de Lutte Contre les Violences Sexuelles et Appui à la Promotion du Développement Durable “ALUCOVIS-APDD” Pays Burundi
  25. Sahi Roger, Côte d’Ivoire; Président de l’Association Jeunes Agriculteurs (AJA)
  26. Hauwa Ibrahim  

Quick recap

Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje, CEO of the Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA), led a meeting discussing the 2024 and 2025 High Level Political Forums (HLPFs) and the meaningful engagement/role of civil society and non-state actors in them. The meeting also focused on forming an advisory committee for the 2025 High-Level Political Forum, discussing potential human rights abuses in Cambodia, and taking a group picture for use as a profile picture on their Whatsapp platform. The importance of listing all United Nations and international events that members are interested in participating in was also emphasized, and participants were requested to list all of them out in the meeting chat room.

Recommendations and Next Steps

• Serey Sam will send a draft statement regarding human rights violations in Cambodia to Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje.

• Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje to review nominations and announce the 7 members of the 2025 High Level Political Forum Advisory Committee on the WhatsApp platform within 7 days.

• All members to review their countries’ presentations at the last High Level Political Forum Voluntary National Review, if applicable.

• Advisory Committee (once formed) to prepare reports of future meetings of this Project Group.

• Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje to recirculate the link to the CSOs and NSAs WhatsApp platform after the meeting.

• All members to send group photos taken during the meeting to Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje or post them in the CSOs and NSAs WhatsApp group.

2024 High Level Political Forum Discussion

Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje, CEO of the Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA), facilitated the inaugural meeting convened by AHOA, to discuss the 2024 and 2025 High Level Political Forums and the meaningful engagement of the civil society and non-state actors in multilateral activities of the United Nations and other International Development Programmes/Interventions in which the CSOs and NSAs are stakeholders. He requested participants to introduce themselves and their organizations, and to mention any international engagement of interest to their organizations. Dr. Adirieje also recognized several participants and emphasized the importance of the civil society and NSA playing meaningful roles in various United Nations and international engagements. The meeting’s agenda included reviewing notes from the last meeting, discussing countries that participated in the last UN HLPF, and adopting the agenda for the current meeting. Dr. Adirieje also requested members to prepare information to guide the group’s plan and work.

Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA) Meeting Agenda Adoption

Magdalyne moved for the adoption of the draft Agenda, which was supported by Alberta from Gender in Focus, Ghana. Dr. Uzodinma emphasized the importance of establishing the relevance of the CSOs and NSAs in areas where they have not been seen as relevant or treated with the respect they deserve. He acknowledged the sizable number of attendees and expressed his appreciation for their participation, while also acknowledging the significant work ahead to achieve their goals.

Afrihealth Optonet Association: Listing International Events

Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje emphasized the importance of listing all United Nations and international events that members of the Project are interested in participating in. He encouraged everyone to take their time to list all the events they are interested in, as this information will help in planning and strategizing for future participation. Dr. Adirieje also clarified that if there are no specific events known, participants can simply state that they don’t know any United Nations activity they would want to participate in.

Establishing WhatsApp Platform for Global Events

The discussion focused on upcoming events like the Convention on Biological Diversity COP 16 in Colombia and the Climate Change COP 29 in Azerbaijan. Uzodinma emphasized the importance of identifying each COP separately by its name and topic. The group previously lacked preparation to discuss the high-level forum. A key objective was establishing a WhatsApp platform to facilitate meaningful participation in global events where they are stakeholders but not well-involved.

Voluntary National Reviews and Project Updates

The meeting discussed the voluntary national reviews (VNRs) presented by various countries at the 2024 United Nations HLPF. Feedback was requested from participants whose countries made presentations at the 2024 HLPF including Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belize, Brazil, Chad, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Iran, Kenya, Libya, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Namibia, Nepal, Oman, Palau, Peru, Samoa, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, State of Palestine, Syria, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, and Zimbabwe. The Proposal to set up an Advisory Committee for the Project was approved, which shall be reporting directly to the CEO of AHOA.

Advisory Committee Formation for 2025 HLPF

Through a voting process, participants approved that the Advisory Committee on the 2025 HLPF shall have seven members, unless otherwise necessary. Participants were asked to indicate their interest by typing their name, organization, and country into the chat. The AHOA Secretariat shall review the nominations and present seven of the nominees for inauguration as soon as possible. It was emphasized that the committee’s selection would be based on factors such as activism, knowledge of the HLPF, gender and geographical spread, and not on language. Nominations would be reviewed and the selected members would be announced on the platform. Dr. Adirieje further highlighted the need for increased mobilization and sensitization of the society, particularly in countries that were not represented at the last High Level Political Forum. He also mentioned the importance of monitoring the implementation of projects and treaties, and capacity building at various levels.

Addressing Human Rights Violations in Cambodia

Dr. Uzodinma addressed the issue of human rights violations in Cambodia as reported by Serey Sam, expressing concern and requesting more information to potentially issue a statement. Serey, a delegate, suggested a statement condemning the arrest of hundreds of people before a protest and requested that AHOA issues a statement on the violations. Dr. Uzodinma agreed to review the draft statement if Serey Sam sends such a draft to him, and possibly seek signatories from AHOA network/members. The conversation ended with Dr. Uzodinma emphasizing the importance of independent confirmation of such situations. Uzodinma expressed AHOA’s solidarity with those whose rights are being suppressed and emphasized the importance of inalienable rights. Serey agreed to send the draft statement to Dr. Uzodinma for review and guidance in issuing the statement.

Advisory Committee Structure and Human Rights Discussion

The meeting was informed that the advisory committee for the 2025 High Level Political Forum would serve until the end of the HLPF in 2025 and would meet as often as necessary, with a reporting template to be provided. The committee’s chair would manage its activities and report to the CEO of AHOA. The committee would also be expected to present a report at each meeting of the AHOA Meaningful Engagements of Civil Society and Non-State Actors Project. There was also a discussion about potential human rights abuses in Cambodia, with the possibility of drafting a statement and seeking signatories from organizations under the AFRIHEALTH Global Network.

About the Afrihealth Optonet Association m(AHOA)

The Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA) is a global-level and community-focused Network/Think-tank of civil society organizations (CSOs) and non-state actors (NSA) on Health, Biodiversity, Climate Actions and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Established in 1997 and incorporated in 2003, the Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA) has teams/chapters in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and 36 States of Nigeria. With more than 2,700 (Two Thousand, Seven Hundred) organizations from 119 (One Hundred and Nineteen) countries as its members, and a Google Group of over 43,000 members globally Health, Climate Change, Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development, AHOA has become a third-sector global player, partner, project/programme developer, implementer, monitor and reporter on the measures needed to achieve and safeguard them.

The Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA) is committed to exploring the nexus between Health (UHC, PHC, HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, Mpox, Hepatitis, NTDs, Cancers, NCDs, Vaccines, Immunization, Vitamin/Mineral Deficiencies or Hidden Hunger, and COVID-19); Environment, Ecosystems, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Climate Change; Nutrition and Food Security; Gender, Democracy, Good Governance, and Human Rights.  

It is AHOA’s mandate to promote improved/better standards of living for the disadvantaged, at-risk, discriminated, women and girls, discriminated, children/adolescents, older persons, poor, rural, marginalized and other vulnerable populations including Youth (particularly young women and girls), Indigenous Peoples, Persons with albinism, orphans, widows, LGBTQIA+ individuals, Persons with disabilities, Sex workers, Refugees or Migrants, Women living in rural or underserved areas, and Persons living with HIV/AIDS.

AHOA is in Consultative Status at UN ECOSOC, accredited Observer status at UNEP/UNEA, and approved by the African Development Bank (AfDB). Its application to the UNFCCC is awaiting approval/admission. AHOA is the lead organization and secretariat of the African Network of Civil Society Organizations (ANCSO) and the Global Consortium of Civil Society and Non-State Actors on Climate Change and Conference of Parties (GCSCCC).


Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje


1 Comment

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  1. Anastasia Amor Nengono Nkogo Abeso

    AHOA greatly helps countries develop by fostering a socialist spirit; I would like them to continue with that dynamism.

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